Friday, March 21, 2014

Raw.. why make it more complicated than it is?

So one of my biggest gripes of working in a pet boutique is convincing people that raw is the way to go. Sometimes the only way if their dog (or cat) has chronic health issues. The biggest obstacle I face is convincing people that it's not difficult to feed raw once you get into a routine. We only sell pre-made raw such as primal, bravo, steve's, blue ridge beef, etc. Most of the raw comes in evenly formed nuggets or patties, all you have to do is thaw and serve. It's not like you have to spend hours chopping up or grinding cuts of meat or be elbow deep in smelly tripe or liver. Yet, people still sigh and groan and tell me that it's too hard and they don't have time for it. If my dog was suffering from diabetes, allergies, hot spots, whatever, I would go out of my way to make sure that he has the best quality of life and not having to rely on drugs to keep his symptoms under control. I had someone call me yesterday asking what I recommended for Colitis, I told her either raw or dehydrated like honest kitchen supplement with enzymes/probiotics and slippery elm. She said that she didn't want to deal with it and wanted to find a kibble because it was more convenient.

When did convenience become a way of life for us? I think this society has become so mechanical and fast paced, and we expect to have everything handed to us on a golden plate. It's probably more convenient to feed your child fortified cereal every day, but is it the best for them? common sense dictates not.

The longer I feed Uno raw, the more I become convinced that it's an ideal diet for a canine. The feedback that I've gotten from customers that switch their pets to a raw diet has been nothing but positive. Whatever little negative feedback we've gotten has been from people not transitioning properly or having their vet tell them that it's bad (putting them back on steroids and prescription garbage that caused issues to begin with).

The best way I try to break it down to people is to think in terms of cooking meals for themselves vs eating processed out of a box or bag concoction. When I make breakfast in the morning for myself, my dog get's his fresh food. I also tell them about the happy dance, the cleaner teeth, and much less elimination. A lot of times, that alone is convincing enough. Nobody likes picking up big mushy piles of kibble crap.

It's going to be an uphill battle, but the more people I can convince to feed raw, the better I feel about what I do for a living. It's satisfying knowing that you've made a difference in the health and life of a pet.

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