Monday, June 10, 2013

Sharing is caring :)

Well, its that time again where I've accumulated more dog stuff than I need and it's going to a good home. 

Indy didn't do too well on dr tims or merrick puppy food (too many calories for the little guy), so the rest will be donated to the rescue. I also found a bunch of samples of petcurean food at work, since we no longer sell it, the samples would have been thrown out, at least these will feed some needy pups. All together, about 85 lbs of food, yay! 
I normally donate to couple local rescues that I volunteer with. This time, I wanted to see if there's a new one I could help out. I found a rescue that focuses on saving pitbulls from high risk situations and finding them good homes. They are going through some financial difficulties right now due to couple dogs needing surgeries and it looks like they have several puppies now, I figured they could really use the food. 

In other news, I ordered Jean Dodds' book called The Canine Thyroid Epidemic. I'm interested in her research when it comes to vaccines and the role it plays in dogs health as well as her take on nutrition. It seems to have gotten a lot of positive feedback on amazon, so I look forward to reading it this week. I also wanted to get Pukka's promise, but it's on backorder right now.  

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Uno's anxiety and supplement trials

Uno has some reactivity issues, especially being approached by off leash dogs when we're out walking. So I've been trying various supplements and herbs to see what works. This is what I got from work and using the combination of the greendog and petnaturals. It seems to to take the edge off a little, but its only been about 3 days since I started. The calmshen doesn't seem to help much.  Even with the discount I get, both of the supplements are kinda pricey. What I will do most likely is look up the active ingredients and find an equivalent human version of it for less. The main issue with those is that they are not flavored and I either have to crumble it into the food or put it in peanut butter which I don't like due to extra calories. 

Do you use any anxiety supplements/drugs with your dogs, what has worked for you?